It's Springtime and as such it's time for a spring clean of sorts. So I decided to give the site a quick revamp just to freshen it up. New elements include:
- A new logo design
- A new catchphrase
- A new header design as a result
- A new template background
All in all I have to say I like the grittier feel of it.
I had designed a different logo based largely on this Photoshop tutorial, however I realised that the font looked far too familiar, and indeed it was. A local personal trainer had a logo designed with the exact same font! Thankfully not with the exact same design or textures, so I adjusted the font to the one I had used for my previous header catchphrase. This however interacted with the tutorial settings in a way that changed the overall result, and I have to say I quite like it!
The background image also comes from that tutorial.
Hope ya's like!
Lyle Richardson,
Gym Pal - Your friend in the world of fitness
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