Showing posts with label Anatomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anatomy. Show all posts

Monday, 27 March 2023

Let's get to the core of the core

We often hear about the core. The first thing that most people think of when it comes to the core are six-packs or abdominal exercises. For others they are often told to "brace" their core during exercises such as the squat or deadlift. Little do most people including the majority of PT's know that

Friday, 25 November 2022

Human Movement - Part One

All external physical actions that we as humans, or indeed any animal, make revolves around movement. Movement is a kinetic chain that is made up of three core components: the nervous system, muscular system and skeletal system.

Monday, 11 March 2019

Planes of motion and axes

An important but often awkward or difficult concept of exercise to get your head around are the planes of motion and associated axes. These refer to the different dimensions and axes that body motions occur in.

Working out in all three planes of motion helps improve your neuromuscular efficiency, meaning greater cohesion and co-ordination between your muscles and central nervous system.

Friday, 7 December 2018

Bone surface markings

Most bones have grooves, indentations and protrusions. These are known as surface markings and are necessary structures for the musculoskeletal system. Not only do they help increase the stability of joints, they also provide muscle attachment sites.

Bone types

There are five bone types involved in the human movement system: long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid and. The following concern us most: long, short and sesamoid.

Bone remodelling

One aspect about the skeleton that most people seem to be unaware of is that bones are continually in a process of remodelling, which is were old bone is broken down by specialist bone cells called osteoclasts and reabsorbed by the body and new bone formed by bone cells called osteoblasts.

Breakdown of the skeletal system

The skeletal system is one of the most important components of the human body. At its most simplest it is the framework from which all movement occurs as well as the support and protection system of the inner organs of the body. It also produces blood and can also store minerals and energy.

In regards to the human movement system, the skeleton forms part of the musculoskeletal system, where muscles pull on bones, which act as levers, to create posture and produce movement.