An incredibly basic yet effective exercise for inner-core stabilisation and strength, the toe tap can be performed anywhere.
Toe-tap repetition start and middle positions. Picture courtesy of Pinterest
Table of contents
Classification and muscles used
- Type: Bodyweight
- Action: Isometric
- Plane: Frontal
- Muscles: Transverse abdominus, internal obliques, multifidus, pelvic floor and quadratus lumborum.
How to perform
- Lie flat on the floor with your arms by your side.
- Move your pelvis into a neutral position and engage your inner-core. Keep them engaged throughout the exercise.
- Lift your legs until your knees are at are at a right angle to your abdomen, and then bend your lower legs until at a right angle parallel to the floor. This is the starting position.
- Keeping your legs bent in a right angle position, lower your left leg until your toe, or foot, taps the floor.
- Do not lose your neutral pelvis or allow your lower back to arch off the floor. This is achieved by keeping your inner-core engaged throughout.
- Bring your left leg back up to the starting position and then repeat for the right leg.
- Use your arms on the floor for support.
- Continue for as many repetitions as desired.
Ways to progress this exercise once the main form is mastered include:
- Lowering and raising both legs at the same time. This requires greater inner-core strength to maintain your neutral pelvis and inner-core engagement.
- Raising your arms off the floor in either the 1-leg or 2-leg variations. This removes the support they provide when performing each repetition.
Lyle Richardson,
Gym Pal - Your friend in the world of fitness
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