Thursday 1 November 2018

The reward in looking back

Last night I came across a DVD I had purchased back in 2005, David Carradine's "An Introduction For Beginners To Kung Fu & Tai Chi". The star of the television series "Kung Fu", the late David Carradine is more famous in recent times for his role as Bill in the Kill Bill movies.

David Carradine An Introduction For Beginners To Kung Fu & Tai Chi

The funny thing is when I first watched this DVD I found it hard to concentrate and give it a real shot as there were quite a few different moves (29 in the stretching section alone) and I wanted to progress as fast as possible through it. Obviously that failed and the DVD sat in storage for over 10 years. So I decided to give it a watch again.

Ignoring the disturbing gazes or stares of David Carradine at the camera as he reads off a teleprompter on what at times looks like Kung Fu and Tai Chi for the original series of Star Trek, I have to admit it is amazing how one's perspective, ability and attitude changes over the years.

Over the past half a year I have been doing yoga movements to enhance my flexiblity. Rewatching the stretch/flexibility section of the DVD I noticed how the majority of the moves were yoga moves, thirteen of which I was already performing in my yoga practice.

I have also over the past year on and off being doing the Eight Brocades of Qigong, and giving the stances portion of the DVD another watch I realised that whilst most of the stances were not part of the Eight Brocades, they all revolved around or started with the "Horse Stance" that is a key component of it.

A typical horse stance of Qigong Tai Chi and Kung Fu
Here horsey horsey. A typical horse stance.

Another thing I've realised is that mentally I am more ready and prepared for such an intricate and elaborate system. Whereas before there was too much to learn at once and a desire to do it as fast as possible, it was no wonder I and many other people got jaded and forgot about it. Now I am prepared to spend the time building up the foundation and work on familiarising myself with the routines involved so that I can develop my ability.

It just goes to show that something you may have attempted and forgot about years ago suddenly becomes a lot easier to do and is worth another shot. Indeed, as most of part one and two of this DVD work alongside what I have already been doing, It makes it easier for me to implement the rest of it it into my own routine. I may even attempt part three once I've nailed the first two parts.

Maybe you have something you once attempted years ago and may now be better at? If so go and give a go once more! If you have any questions feel free to comment below or send me some feedback!

Lyle Richardson,
Gym Pal - Your friend in the world of fitness


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