Monday 21 October 2019

Training wIth injuries - Long head of biceps

The following is my personal experience in how to adapt to a difficult injury to recover from, that of the long head of the biceps.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

When resistance machines are your best friend

When most people start off with resistance exercise, the first thing they are usually shown is a resistance machine. Indeed they form the basis of most people's workouts in places that have them such as leisure centers etc. After a while that person will learn that free-weights are actually better for you than machine based.

Saturday 22 June 2019

It's all in the hips - neutral pelvic alignment

A vital component of exercise, and indeed every day life, that most people have never heard of is neutral pelvic alignment. PT's are quick enough to tell you to brace your core or abs during an exercise, but whilst that is important it is a compromised technique without first setting your pelvis.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Latest Updates

I must apologise for not having gotten any new posts up for over a month. I have been quite busy as well as having a small holiday thrown into the mix, however I do have a few articles in progress, which will be up soon.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Ratcheting up the intensity - metabolic condition (part two)

Following on from my post Ratcheting up the intensity - metabolic conditioning, here is the update on the effects of my metabolic conditioning routine now that it has ended.